The very one who was Jehovah’s mighty champion AGAINST the godless oppressive regime of Ahab and Jezebel (1 Kings 17-19). The very one who took on the national apostasy of the 10 tribes in the north (Israel). The very one who took on the 850 prophets of Baal then slew them upon Mount Carmel (1 Kings 18:19-40). The very one who at Mount Sinai heard the still voice of Almighty G-d (1 Kings 19:9-14)
who will set the ground work for turning the hearts of the sons back to
the fathers and the hearts of the fathers back to the sons (Mal. 4:4-6) is now REJECTED by the present day nation of Israel at this time (Ezek. 38:26, Rev. 11:9).
Moses and Elijah will be REJECTED by the majority of the Nation of Israel during their 31/2 year ministry!
The very deliverer of
Egypt’s 400 year oppressive bondage, the one who parted the Red Sea, the
Lawgiver of Mount Sinai, the very one Almighty God used to institute
the Leviticus priesthood and sacrificial system (Deut 32-40) which pointed to the Person and Work of the Messiah, the one who talked Face to face with Almighty G-d (Deut. 34:10)
and the most honored patriarch in Israel’s history (MOSES) will be
REJECTED by the majority of present day Israel during this time (Rev. 11:9).
How absolutely amazing is that! UNBELIEF is UNBELIEF no matter who
Almighty G-d sends. Remember what the Messiah spoke of Abraham telling
the godless rich man who died in his transgressions who was in Sheol (Luke 16:19-31)?
Abraham stated to the rich man across the fixed gulf - before Sheol
Paradise was emptied at the Messiah’s ascension to the Right Hand of
Almighty G-d (Psalm 68:18, 110:, Eph. 4:8-10)..
he said, I pray thee therefore, father, that thou wouldest send him to
my father's house: For I have five brethren; that he may testify unto
them, lest they also come into this place of torment. Abraham saith unto
him, They have Moses and the prophets; let them hear them. And he said,
Nay, father Abraham: but if one went unto them from the dead, they will
repent. And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead (Luke 16:27-31).”
No matter WHAT the signs and
wonders, no matter WHO the mighty person or no matter the Divine
witness of Almighty God, the Holy Spirit and the Light of the World,
NONE of these CAN EVER turn an unbelieving and unrepentant heart to the
Savior (Jer. 17:9). Time and time again this has been the case throughout Israel’s wretched history (1 Sam 8:7, Isa. 53: 1-3, Lev. 26, Acts 7) and in the 6000 year history of Adam’s fallen race (Rom. 1:18-32).
As Israel dwells in the land their hearts are far from Almighty God.
They have chosen an existence of self reliance and self dependence but
all of this will come to an abrupt end very shortly (Jer. 30:1-7, Dan. 12, Rev. 12)..
It will be at the end of MOSES and ELIJAH’S 3 ½ year ministry, that the Anti Christ will be resuscitated and given authority to violently murder these Two MIGHTY Men of world’s history, which "terrorized" a godless world with their RIGHTEOUS WORDS of Divine judgment and cause GREAT plagues and destruction on the nations of the world and their and unbelieving Israel's enemies (i,e. the WORD’S of ALMIGHTY GOD - Ezek. 38:8, 16-23, 39: 1-8, Heb. 4:12-13, Rev. 11:3-12)! It is AT THIS TIME (at the death and resuscitation of Almighty God’s Two Witnesses – Rev. 11:7-13) that Almighty God will allow rebellious and unbelieving Israel to be persecuted as NEVER before by Satan and his demonic and human minions (Ezek 39:26, Zech. 13:8-9, Rev. 12)! Because of the national REJECTION of MOSES and ELIJAH (HOW AMAZING IS THAT STATEMENT!!) and their OVER ABUNDANT SUPER NATURAL witness to Israel, they will now be subjected to GREAT TRIBULATION for 3 ½ years (Jer. 30:4-8, Matt. 24:9-22, Zech. 13:8-9, Rev. 12, 13). For those who are able to flee and who have taken heed to the warnings of the Messiah's scripture text and the testimony of MOSES and ELIJAH they will be protected and nourished during this time in a place provided by Almighty God (Matt. 24:15-22, Rev. 12:14-17), a place of protection against the satanic rage of Lucifer and his earthly and demonic minions (Rev. 12).
horrific period is called the time of “Jacob’s Trouble” and the GREAT
tribulation will EXPONENTIALLY EXCEED the anti Semitic genocide and
atrocities of Nazi Germany.
It will be in the END of this 42 month period, that the Messiah will come out of Heaven’s glory with His saints and the unbelieving Jews who have been able to survive thus far will see Him coming in the clouds in GREAT GLORY and remember ALL of Moses and Elijah's words. THEN it will ALL click together as it did with Saul of Tarsus (Acts 9) and they will GREATLY REPENT and MOURN for what they have done and Who they have done it to; for Messiah was CUT OFF and that truth and REALITY will now FULLY be comprehended (Dan. 9:26, Zech. 12:9-14, 13:1-2). It will be at this time that those who remain of the seed of Israel will FINALLY receive their Messiah and He will MIGHTILY deliver them out of the hand of a raging world HELL bent on their total annihilation (Dan. 9:26, Zech. 12:9-14, 13:1-2, 14:2-4, Rev. 12:17, 16:13-16, 19:11-21). Indeed will those who remain of Israel at this time truly say, "Blessed is He who cometh in the Name of the Lord" (Psalm 110, 118, Matt. 23:39)! It will be through the POWERFUL catalyst, testimony and ministry of MOSES and ELIJAH of old which will lay the ground work for the salvation of countless gentiles and the redemption of the nation of Israel (Isa 61:2-4, 62:1-5, 66;7-10, Zech. 12:8-14, Mal. 4, Matt. 25:32-32)!
will be through the POWERFUL catalyst, testimony and ministry of MOSES
and ELIJAH of old which will lay the ground work for the salvation of
countless gentiles and the redemption of the nation of Israel.
my beloved what a day to live in!! Israel will yet be a praise unto the
Lord of Hosts throughout the world! Oh my beloved Jewish friend, cast a
side this world's subjective carnal delights and come OUT of her and
turn back to the G-d of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob in spirit and truth.
May the Word of the Lord FULLY transform you for you will NEVER be
the same! Rejoice GREATLY, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at TRULY at
A Message for our Jewish Friends
Can you Keep the Law Perfectly?
False Doctrine. torah SAYS Moshe DIED and was BURIED. No play on words there. No double meaning. Devarim 34. There is a place at the table for Eliyahu at every faithful Jew's table and the door is left open for him to enter no rejection there. You will be accountable to YHVH, blessed be His Name, for your false teachings.